Saturday, February 23, 2008

18: Library 2.0

I find reading about Library 2.0 intensely depressing for a number of reasons. It seems to spark off a sort of debate that doesn't make anybody much the wiser, it seems to generate a lot of bad temper, and it makes me remember we have a long way to go. With some notable exceptions, a lot of our service offerings seem pretty low on "the information and ideas flowing in both directions" that is the hallmark and aspiration of Library 2.0. EBL is a nice example of library 2.0 that we have led the way in implementing. But is there any good example of a library 2.0 opac or discovery interface? Would our users actually be bothered tagging or reviewing even if we made it possible for them? Our blog was an attempt to be Library 2.0, but it gets close to zero input.
As a sort of generic name for rethinking the role of our users in our service offering - for genuinely including real scope for user generated input - "Library 2.0" is useful as a short hand term. An interesting question to ponder, what can we do to make our services more Library 2.0?

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